Jaime Serra Palou (Lleida, Spain, 1964)
Multidisciplinary artista, columnist and journalist.

In recent years, his activity moves on the line between journalism and art through the use of data as raw material and infographics as his tool. As part of this strategy he combines his expositions in art spaces with the steady publication of those same materials adapted into editorial formats for mass media, distant from artistic purpose, like the Spanish daily newspaper 'La Vanguardia' or the French weekly newspaper 'Courrier International'.

Columnist and Director of Infographics and Illustration for 'La Vanguardia' since October, 2007.

His time in the Argentinian newspaper 'Clarín' (1995/2001) is acknowledged as a revolutionary period in the infographic language, both for the aestethic criteria and for the expansion of the topics considered in that gender.

His work has been exhibited in Fundación Telefónica Buenos Aires (Argentina, July of 2015), La Coruña’s Museum of Contemporary Art (La Coruña, Spain, April of 20115), Fundación Telefónica Madrid (Madrid, Spain, March of 2015), Arts Santa Mònica Art Center (Barcelona, Spain, October of 2014), Museu d’Art Jaume Morera (Lleida, Spain, June of 2014), CCCB (Barcelona, Spain, May of 2014), Huarte Center of Contemporary Art (Pamplona, Spain, March of 2014), Central, Queretaro’s Cultural Center (Queretaro, Mexico, November of 2013), CCEBA (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2011), Plaza de Armas (Pamplona, Spain) National Geographic Society Gallery (Washington, U.S.A.)

He has been acknowledged with more than a hundred awards and honors SND, SPD, Malofiej y Laus. On March of 2012, he was recognized as ‘the most influential infographer of the past twenty years, 1992-2012’ by the Society for News Design, the biggest and most prestigious visual journalism organization. Gràffica Award 2013.

Has worked, among others, for: El Periódico de Catalunya, Grupo Vocento, Tele 5, El Mundo Deportivo (Spain); Clarín, La Nación, La Voz del Interior, Olé (Argentina); El Comercio, La República (Peru); El Observador (Uruguay); Panorama (Venezuela); Diario de Noticias, Jornal de Noticias (Portugal); Editora Abril, O Dia, Folha de Sao Paulo (Brazil); Corriere della Sera, Il Sole 24 Ore, Gazzetta dello Sport, La Stampa (Italy); The Independent (United Kingdom); National Geographic Magazine (U.S.A.)

Recurring speaker in international journalism and design events, has given lectures, among other places, in Poynter Institute For Media Studies, Art Director Club N.Y., Society For News Desing (U.S.A), National University of la Plata, University of Buenos Aires, Palermo University (Argentina); Infolide (Sao Paulo, Brazil); Museu del Disseny de Barcelona, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Escola Eina, Escola Massana, FAD, Navarra University, San Pablo CEU, BAU, Seeway, IDEP, IED, EASD, Col.legi oficial de bibliotecaris-documentalistes de Catalunya, Universitat de Vic, EASC, IACC, Escola Elisava (Spain); Instituto José Martín Internacional Journalism Institute (La Habana, Cuba); SDI (Caracas, Venezuela); Cumbre Mundial de Diseño en Prensa (España-México); Cuauhtémoc University Querétaro (Queretaro, Mexico)

Was member of the jury in Best of News Design Competition by the Society For News Desing (Syracuse, U.S.A.) and twice in Malofiej Awards (Pamplona, Spain).

Barcelona, June 14th, 2015

Jaime Serra Palou (English)
Jaime Serra Palou (Spanish)
Jaime Serra Palou (Catalan)
Entry Infographic Journalism (Spanish)

La Vanguardia wins two Malofiej awards. Article. Paper. La Vanguardia. March

Contarse. Cultura's. Olga Subiros
Visual Storytelling: Infographic Design in News. Liu Yikun y Dong Zhao. Images Publishing
ÑH Award for infographics. La Vanguardia.
Infographics, reinvented. Interview. Paper. La Voz del Interior, Cordoba, Argentina. Juan Colombato
Art, data, SMS and cigarettes. Review. Babelia, El País. Paper. Chus Martínez
Everyone loves to talk about ‘me’. Lecture at Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires
Sea of data. Fundación Telefónica Buenos Aires
Interview at Radio 3
'I like to think that my art is contemporary'. Interview. Web. Ernesto Olivares. English
Big Data visualzation. Graphic Design final Project at Pol Guárdia. Catalán. Interview page 112
'Tres miradas para desmontar a Jaime Serra'. José Luis de Vicente

Resumen de prensa. Exposición Big Bang Data Buenos Aires
'Ten stories and a landscape'. Vídeo entMagazine. Radio Televisión de Galicia. Abril
'This world full of data has changed the rules for everybody'. Article. Espacio Fundación Telefónica. April
Ten lives in infographics. Article. DT Luxe. Paper. April
Beyond the limits of infographics. Article. Digital. Hoyesarte. April
Jaime Serra brings everyday infographics to MAC museum. Article. Paper. La Voz de Galicia. April
Infographics of emotions. Article. Paper. La Vanguardia. April
Ten stories and a landscape. Article. Digital. Gràffica. April
High journalism and art. Article about the 23rd Malofiej Awards. La Vanguardia. April
Portfolio. Digital. Visualoop. Brazil. January

Eight infographers to understand the world. Web. November
Interview. Web. Mosaic, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. November
I'm spanish, what do you want me to make an infographic about? Article. Web. Yorokobu nº 56. November
The king of infographics. Interview. Paper. Tiempo Argentino. Argentina. November
Infographics can’t be art, but art can be infographics. Downlead doc. pdf. Lecture. World Mobile Centre. UOC. October
'Traç, drawing as a tool for knowledge'. Exhibit. Video, Article in La Vanguardia, Exhibit, photo gallery. Arts Santa Mònica. Barcelona. October
ÑH11 Awards. Article. Paper. La Vanguardia. Spain. October
Latin American Design Summit 2014. Speaker. Web. Video. Universidad de Palermo. Buenos Aires. August
Jaime Serra transforms data into art at Morera museum. Article. Paper. El Segre. Lleida, Spain. 18 de June

Jaime Serra expone por primera vez en Lleida sus 'Infografies'. Article. Paper. La Mañana. Lleida, España. 18 de june
Visualmente. Interview. Web. Argentina. June
Data and truths. Lecture. Vídeo. PechaKucha vol19. Barcelona. May
The truth of data. Analysis. Paper. La Vanguardia. Spain. May
We are data. Interview. Vídeo. CCCB
Dialogues. Lecture. Vídeo. Article. Web. EASD. Valencia. Spain. March
Information as art. Article. Paper. Diario de Noticias. About Jaime Serra’s exhibit Infographics at Huarte Contemporary Art Center. Pamplona, Spain. March
Jaime Serra or the art of statistics. Article. Paper. Diario de Navarra. About Jaime Serra’s exhibit: Infographics at Huarte Contemporary Art Center. Pamplona, Spain. March

The desire is so precise that you can draw. Clase magistral. Centre Universitari BAU. Barcelona, España. Enero

Comfort is not a value for me. Interview. Web. Because of Gràffica Awards 2013. December
Infographics as art for the intimate. Interview. Web. Pijamasurf. Mexico. November
Infographics and data visualization days. Article. Web. Universitat de Vic. Vic, Spain. November
Cutting edge Infographics. Article. Paper. La Vanguardia. Spain. About the ÑH Awards. October
Iceberg theory. Article. Web. Desdesoria. Spain. September
Influences, usually, belong to the past. Article. Paper. Malofiej 20. March
Tinglados de grafismo. Video. Seeway. Barcelona, Spain. March
This is not a journalistic infographic. Main article about the right whale. Paper.
Photograph only what you can’t draw. Article about the right whale. Paper
Unforgettable. Article about the right whale. Paper. Roberto Guareschi. March
’La ballena va llena’. Article about the right whale. Paper. Mario Tascón. March
A whale is not a firetruck. Article about the right whale. Paper. Javier Errea. March
The most interesting people are the ones who contradict and doubt themselves more. Interview. Web. Vagón cultural magazine. April
Jaime Serra’s unconventional columns. Article. Web. Silvia Cobo. April
Jaime Serra: Infographics. Interview. Vídeo. Spanish transcript. Arts Santa Mònica. April
Lecture at IAAC. Vídeo.
Jaime Serra’s most personal infographics. Interview. Vídeo. La Vanguardia. March
The triumph of subjective infographics. Review. Cultura's. March
Opinion column turned into art. La Vanguardia. March
Jaime Serra’s infographics jump from the newspaper to the museum. Article. Gráffica. March
Jaime Serra: Infographics. Exhibit. Arts Santa Mònica. March
Non informational art. Article. Malofiej 20. March del 2013
Most influential infographics. Article. La Vanguardia. March
Malofiej21. Interview. Video. University of Navarra. March
Mediaquiosk Arts Santa Mònica. Interview. Audio. Arts Santa Mònica. March
Infographics: between trend and evolution. Article. Paper. Capçalera, Magazine of the Col.legi de Periodistes de Catalunya. March
Drawing thoughts is not that weird. Interview. Web. Spanish translate. Amor a l'Art. January

Five answers about infographics. 'The art of illustration' Antonio Fernández Coca. Anaya Editorial. November

5 lessons we learn again with Jaime Serra. Analysis. Web. Portuguese and english. Visualloop. October
Good journalism to get out of crisis. Interview. Paper. La Capital. Rosario, Argentina. October
No limits for imagination. Interview. Web and Paper. El Ciudadano. Rosario, Argentina. October
How Jaime Serra revolutionized infographics. Analysis. Web. Portuguese. Marcelo Pliger. Infolide. September
EntMagazine. Paper. Síntesis Newspaper. Mexico. September
Free Vs Payed. Interview. Paper. El Universal. Mexico. September
Jaime Serra and abstract art are my biggest influences. Fernando Baptista interview. Web. Zaveka Infográfica. July
Redbility. Interview. Video. June
Construccion of expression in a infographic: studying the creations of Jaime Serra. Doctoral thesis. Portuguese. Marcelo Pliger. May
Love for art. Interview. Audio. Spanish transcript. Cooltura FM. April
Jaime Serra brings his paradoxes to the CaixaForum. Article. Paper. La Vanguardia. April
Jaime Serra, most influentian infographer of the past 20 years. Article. Paper. La Vanguardia. March

They chose an Clarín infographic Clarin like the best of the last 20 years. Article. Paper. Web. Clarín. April
Most influential graphic artist of the past 20 years. Article. SND-E. March
Nor ionic, nor doric. Article. Paper. La Vanguardia. About the article 'Sunday paradox' at CaixaForum Barcelona. March
Me, You. Text from Pablo Corral Vega. Book: Una paradoja dominical

Serra no sabe nada, y expone, o infiere, sobre lo que no sabe. Text by Jorge Aulicino. Book: Una paradoja dominical

Before 2012
Journalism must be the added value of newspapers. Interview. Paper. El Universal. Mexico. October, 2011
A Sunday paradox. Article. Book. About the opinion column in La Vanguardia. Malofiej 18. SND-E. March, 2011. Buy book
Convergent parallelism. Article. Book. Malofiej 18. SND-E. March, 2011. Buy book 

Desire drives me. Interview. Web. 365d365e. 2011
The problem of infographics in Spain is quantity, not quality. Interview. 233 grados. December, 2010.
Jaime Serra: Subjective Infographics. Interview. Paper. Ètapes. Gustavo Gili. June, 2010
Active Barcelona. Video. Ajuntament de Barcelona. April, 2010

The infographic journalism from a semiotic perspective. Académic Paper Pag. 138-140. University of Málaga. 2010
EntMagazine. Paper. Macworld Argentina. December, 2009
Nothing is true, everything is allowed. Video. Lecture SND. Buenos Aires, Argentina. September, 2009 

Nothing is true, everything is allowed. Full Lecture. SND. Buenos Aires, Argentina. September, 2009
London calling. Article. book. Malofiej 16. SND-E. 2009
La Vanguardia and Público redesing and it’s unveiling: two contemporary informative fortams. Academic paper. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2008
How to simplify the complex. Analysis. Paper. About infographics in La Vanguardia’s new design. 2007
21x21, The best infographics in history. Article. Paper. Malofiej 10. SND-E. 2003. Buy book Infographics. Exhibit of journalistic graphics. Catalogue. Paper. Web article. SND-E. 2002
Infographics, reinvented. Interview. Paper. Malofiej 9. SND-E. 2002. Buy book 

The goal is Always the reader. Opinion. Paper. Clarín. March, 1999
Clarín won 34 awards for design and infographics. Article. Paper. Clarín. March,1999
Clarín’s design was acknowledged in Philadelphia. Article. Paper. Clarín. September, 1998

Article. Papel. Akiút. Buenos Aires. 1997
Nine infographics from Clarín win awards. Article. Paper. Clarín. October, 1997
The limits of innovation in press infographic. Academic paper. Page 4. Alberto Cairo
Jury at Malofiej Awards 1999. Directory. Paper. 1999
Jury at SND Awards, 20th Edition. Directory. Paper. SND. Syracuse, U.S.A. 1999
Escola Eina. Directory. Web.

'Family Photo' during the Big Bang Data in Somerset House exhibit opening. London; November, 2015

'Infographics, reinvented', La Voz del Interior. (Argentina) October, 2015. (Photo by Ana Jimenez)

Guided visit for press at 'Big Bang Data'. Buenos Aires. July, 2015

'Ten stories and a landscape'. La Coruña’s Museum of Conteporary Art. April, 2015. (Photo by Maria Meseguer)

'Infographics can’t be art, but art can be infographics'. Mobile World Centre. Organized by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, October, 2014. Lecture in .pdf

'Dialogues' EASD. Valencia, 2014

Jaime Serra: Infographics. Jaume Morera Art Museum Exhibit opening. Lleida; June, 2014
Lecture at PechaKucha Barcelona vol19. May, 2014
Gràffica Awards 2013. Museu del Disseny de Barcelona. December, 2013

Exhibit at Central, Centro de Cultura del Estado de Querétaro. Mexico. November, 2013

'Infographic like opinion'. Universitat de Vic. November, 2013

Round table discussion about journalism at Talent & Co. October, 2013

Exhibit at Centre d'Arts Santa Mònica. March, 2013

Facsimile of the Right whale. Huarte Contemporary Art Center. March, 2013

Jury President at Malofiej 21. Pamplona. March, 2013

'Nothing is true, everything is allowed'. SND Buenos Aires, 2012

'A Sunday paradox'. Infolide. Sao Paulo. October, 2012

'A Sunday paradox’ Parque Spain Cultural Center Rosario, Argentina. October, 2012

Cuauhtémoc University Queretaro, Mexico. September, 2012

‘The most influential infographer of the past twenty years, 1992, 2012’. SND-E. May, 2012

'A Sunday paradox'. CaixaForum. Barcelona. March, 2012

VIII Design for Press World Summit, Mexico. October, 2012
VII Design for Press World Summit, Mexico. October, 2011

Column Reading Congreso ÑH07. Valencia 2010

Design for journalism. Palermo University. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2009

José Martí International Journalism Institute. La Habana, Cuba. 2006

SND Congress. San Diego, U.S.A. 1998